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Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney in Arkansas

Are you currently unable to work?

Most of us do not begin our working lives thinking that we will someday become disabled and no longer able to work. If that day comes, there are many intelligent questions that individuals have regarding benefits. Social Security pays benefits to disabled workers through the Social Security disability program or SSD. 


At Angel Disability Law, the first question I look into is whether you are eligible for SSD. Once your eligibility is established, your claim must be properly prepared and filed.


Many claims are disapproved when they are first submitted. A skilled Arkansas social security disability benefits lawyer can, however, greatly improve your chances of getting your claim approved. 


If your claim is initially denied, I know the appeals process and how to successfully navigate through it towards the goal of getting the benefits you are allowed per the law.

Facts Regarding SSD

Here are some basic facts to know regarding SSD. Payments commonly start with your sixth month of disability. You will receive information from Social Security telling you when your payments begin and the amount of the payments. 


The amount you receive depends upon you average lifetime earnings and what you paid into the system. SSD payments are made on a monthly basis. It is relieving to know that certain family members may qualify for SSD payments due to the work that you did. I can inform you as to who may be qualified and what benefits that can receive.


It is also important to know that your SSD may be affected by other government benefits you are receiving. Vital details such as receiving your benefits through direct deposit or through the mail, paying taxes on your benefits, what happens when you reach retirement age and others can all be addressed and answered to your satisfaction. 


As a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants, I am here to fully answer all your questions and help you through the process of obtaining the benefits you deserve.

If you are no longer able to work due to a physical or mental condition, contact a Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney in Arkansas for immediate assistance.